Bali is an Indonesian island located in the westernmost end of the Lesser Sunda Islands, lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. It is one of the country's 33 provinceswith the provincial capital at Denpasar towards the south of the island.
Bali Island is a small beautiful island and a part of Indonesia archipelago. It own the panorama and unique culture that make this island is exclusively than others. It is located in the tropical situation that has stated this island as Dream Island for a vacation. Bali Island has many kinds of places to visit like rice paddies, beautiful panorama, volcanoes soaring up through the clouds, tourism activities and attractions, dense tropical jungle, long sandy beaches, warm blue water, crashing surf and friendly people who don't just have a culture but actually live here, daily community ritual and a lot of things make your holiday unforgettable. In Bali, the spirits is coming out to play in the moonlight, every night is a festival and even a funeral is an opportunity to have a good time and the day you will get the enjoy of the sea breeze from the blue sea water which completing your dream holiday. Bali is an Island of God in Paradise that is perfect destination for your holiday, enjoy the paradise with your family and collages and meet Bali will offer something for everyone. This tropical paradise has a unique blend of modern tourist facilities combined with wonderful shopping and a rich past and heritage. The Balinese people are proud of having preserved their unique Hindu culture against the advance of Islam, the dominant religion throughout Indonesia. This is still reflected in day-to-day life and can be seen in the numerous ceremonies, Balinese festivals and magnificent temples and palaces. Some of the best surfing beaches in the world can be found on the western side of the island whilst conversely the eastern side is a wonderful haven for families, with beautiful white sand beaches and gentle seas.
Diposting oleh
asty dwi padmayan
on Rabu, 01 Juni 2011
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A salmonella infection is a foodborne illness caused by the salmonella bacteria carried by some animals, which can be transmitted from kitchen surfaces and can be in water, soil, animal feces, raw meats, and eggs. Salmonella infections typically affect the intestines, causing vomiting, fever, and other symptoms that usually resolve without medical treatment.
You can help prevent salmonella infections by not serving any raw meat or eggs, and by not keeping reptiles as pets, particularly if you have very young children.
Hand washing is a powerful way to guard against salmonella infections, so it's essential to teach kids to wash their hands, particularly after trips to the bathroom and before handling food in any way.
The type of salmonella most commonly associated with infections in humans is called nontyphoidal salmonella. It is carried by chickens, cows, and reptiles such as turtles, lizards, and iguanas.
Another, rarer form of salmonella, typhoidal salmonella (typhoid fever), is carried only by humans and is usually transmitted through direct contact with the fecal matter of an infected person. This kind of salmonella infection can lead to high fever, abdominal pain, headache, malaise, lethargy, skin rash, constipation, and delirium. It occurs primarily in developing countries without appropriate systems for handling human waste.
Symptoms of most salmonella infections usually appear within 3 days of contamination and typically go away without medical treatment.
In cases of typhoid fever caused by salmonella bacteria, early symptoms are the same. But in the second week, the liver and spleen can become enlarged, and a distinctive "rose spotted" skin rash may appear. From there, the infection can cause other health problems, like meningitis and pneumonia.
People at risk for more serious complications from a salmonella infection include those who:
You can help prevent salmonella infections by not serving any raw meat or eggs, and by not keeping reptiles as pets, particularly if you have very young children.
Hand washing is a powerful way to guard against salmonella infections, so it's essential to teach kids to wash their hands, particularly after trips to the bathroom and before handling food in any way.
Salmonella Basics
Not everyone who ingests salmonella bacteria will become ill. Children, especially infants, are the most likely candidates to get sick from it. About 50,000 cases of salmonella infection are reported in the United States each year and about one third of those are in kids 4 years old or younger.The type of salmonella most commonly associated with infections in humans is called nontyphoidal salmonella. It is carried by chickens, cows, and reptiles such as turtles, lizards, and iguanas.
Another, rarer form of salmonella, typhoidal salmonella (typhoid fever), is carried only by humans and is usually transmitted through direct contact with the fecal matter of an infected person. This kind of salmonella infection can lead to high fever, abdominal pain, headache, malaise, lethargy, skin rash, constipation, and delirium. It occurs primarily in developing countries without appropriate systems for handling human waste.
Signs and Symptoms
A salmonella infection generally causes nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea (sometimes bloody), fever, and headache. Because many different kinds of illnesses can cause these symptoms, most doctors will take a stool sample to make an accurate diagnosis.Symptoms of most salmonella infections usually appear within 3 days of contamination and typically go away without medical treatment.
In cases of typhoid fever caused by salmonella bacteria, early symptoms are the same. But in the second week, the liver and spleen can become enlarged, and a distinctive "rose spotted" skin rash may appear. From there, the infection can cause other health problems, like meningitis and pneumonia.
People at risk for more serious complications from a salmonella infection include those who:
- have compromised immune systems (such as people with HIV)
- take cancer-fighting drugs
- have sickle cell disease or an absent or nonfunctioning spleen
- take chronic stomach acid suppression medication
Diposting oleh
asty dwi padmayan
on Senin, 23 Mei 2011
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Tahukan anda tentang EMAIL ?
Email atau elektronik mail atau biasa disebut surat elektronik ini mempunyai banyak sekali keuntungan seperti :
Mengirim surat
Berbincang dengan orang lain
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Di bawah ini akan dijelaskan panduan atau langkah langkah lengkap cara membuat email dari penyedia layanan email gratis :
1. Langkah pertama ini tentunya membuka browser kamu dulu ya (bisa IE atau internet explorer, Mozila Fireox, bisa juga opera, terserah kamu)… kemudian masukkan alamat urlnya,,
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lalu kamu tinggal masukkan data-data identitas diri kamu susuai kolom yang telah disediakan. di bawah ini saya beri contoh cara pengisiannya. Mohon di perhatikan, gambar di bawah ini hanya contoh, jika nama kamu bukan Yosua ya jangan diisi Yosua
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a. untuk pengisian kolom ‘alternate email’ dikosongkan saja tidak apa-apa, atau kalau mau bisa diisi dengan alamat email teman yang bisa dipercaya. Karena email alternatif ini berfungsi jika kamu nanti lupa dengan pasword kamu, maka pasword kamu nanti bisa direset (didapatkan) lewat email alternatif yang kamu masukkan tadi. Untuk pilihan pertanyaan, tinggal pilih saja (sudah disediakan, jadi tidak perlu bikin pertanyaan) dan jawabannya masukan sendiri, bagian itu fungsinya juga sama dengan email Alternate. Yaitu untuk mereset password jika kamu lupa dengan pasword kamu, maka pertanyaan yang kamu pilih tadi akan muncul, dan kamu masukkan jawabn yang kamu buat tadi untuk membuat password baru.
b. Masukkan code capta pada kolom yang disediakan, maksudnya yahoo meminta memasukkan code seperti itu adalah untuk menjaga keamanan server yahoo dari mesin spam. karena mesin spam tidak bisa membaca code capta, kecuali hanya manusia. jika code capta sulit dibaca, klik klah icon dua panah bengkok di sebelah kiri kode capta. maka nanti kode capta akan berubah menjadi bentuk yang lain. jika masih sulit, klik lagi sampai gampang dibaca.
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5. Sesaat kemudian akan diarahkan ke kontak masuk email kamu.. disitu pasti ada satu pesan masuk… isinya dari pihak sendiri, biasanya ucapan selamat datang atau menikmati,
Lirik Lagu Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black Not With Me Lyrics
Diposting oleh
asty dwi padmayan
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Lirik Lagu Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black Not With Me Lyrics
I’m walking up from my summers dreams again
try to thinking if you’re alright
then I’m shattered by the shadows of your eyes
knowing you’re still here by my side
I can see you if you’re not with me
I can say to my self if you’re OKAY
I can feel you if you’re not with me
I can reach you my self, yuo show me the way
*courtesy of
life was never be so easy as it seems
’till you come and bring your love inside
no matter space and distance make it look so far
still I know you’re still here by my side
back to *reff
I’m walking up from my summers dreams again
try to thinking if you’re alright
then I’m shattered by the shadows of your eyes
knowing you’re still here by my side
I can see you if you’re not with me
I can say to my self if you’re OKAY
I can feel you if you’re not with me
I can reach you my self, yuo show me the way
*courtesy of
life was never be so easy as it seems
’till you come and bring your love inside
no matter space and distance make it look so far
still I know you’re still here by my side
back to *reff
Bondan:’ve made me so alive ,you give the best for and fantasy
yeah..and i never feel so lonely, coz you’re always here with me..yeah..always here with me
back to *reff
I’m walking up from my summers dreams again
try to thinking if you’re alright
then I’m shattered by the shadows of your eyes
knowing you’re still here by my side’ve made me so alive ,you give the best for and fantasy
yeah..and i never feel so lonely, coz you’re always here with me..yeah..always here with me
back to *reff
I’m walking up from my summers dreams again
try to thinking if you’re alright
then I’m shattered by the shadows of your eyes
knowing you’re still here by my side
Diposting oleh
asty dwi padmayan
on Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
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Syarat sampel untuk pemeriksaan tinja :
1 . segar : supaya unsur yang terdapat di dalamnya tidak rusak
2 . tidak tercampur air dan urine
Macam pemeriksaan :
1 . segar : supaya unsur yang terdapat di dalamnya tidak rusak
2 . tidak tercampur air dan urine
Macam pemeriksaan :
- makroskopis
- warna
- bau
- konsistensi
- lendir
- darah
- parasit
- mikroskopis
- sel epitel
- makrofag
- leukosit
- eritrosit
- kristal
- sisa makanan
- sel ragi
- telur dan jentik cacing
- darah samar
- benzidine basa
- benzidine dihiclorida
- guajac
lagu SMASH
Diposting oleh
asty dwi padmayan
on Selasa, 08 Maret 2011
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Aku suka bangeet sama BISMA
kenapa hatiku cenat-cenut tiap ada kamu
selalu peluh pun menetes setiap dekat kamu
kenapa salah tingkah tiap kau tatap aku
selalu diriku malu tiap kau puji aku
kenapa lidahku kelu tiap kau panggil aku
selalu merinding romaku tiap kau sentuh aku
mengapa otakku beku tiap memikirkanmu
selalu tubuhku lunglai tiap kau bisikkan cinta
you know me so well (you know me so well)
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
i know you so well (i know you so well)
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
tahukah kamu saat kita pertama jumpa
hatiku berkata padamu ada yang berbeda
tahukah sejak kita sering jalan bersama
tiap jam menit detikku hanya ingin berdua
tahukah kamu ku takkan pernah lupa
saat kau bilang kau punya rasa yang sama
ku tak menyangka aku bahagia ingin ku peluk dunia
kau izinkan aku ’tuk dapat rasakan cinta
you know me so well
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
i know you so well
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
hatiku rasakan cinta, dia buatku salah tingkah
i know you so well, you know me so well
you heart me girl, i heart you back
i miss you, i love you, ah ah ah
i need you, i love you, i heart you baby
i need you, i love you, i heart you baby
baby, you know me so well (you know me so well)
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
i know you so well (i know you so well)
girl i need you (oh i need you)
girl i love you (oh i love you)
girl i heart you
tak ada yang bisa memisahkan cinta
waktu pun takkan tega
kau dan aku bersama selamanya
kenapa hatiku cenat-cenut tiap ada kamu
selalu peluh pun menetes setiap dekat kamu
kenapa salah tingkah tiap kau tatap aku
selalu diriku malu tiap kau puji aku
kenapa lidahku kelu tiap kau panggil aku
selalu merinding romaku tiap kau sentuh aku
mengapa otakku beku tiap memikirkanmu
selalu tubuhku lunglai tiap kau bisikkan cinta
you know me so well (you know me so well)
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
i know you so well (i know you so well)
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
tahukah kamu saat kita pertama jumpa
hatiku berkata padamu ada yang berbeda
tahukah sejak kita sering jalan bersama
tiap jam menit detikku hanya ingin berdua
tahukah kamu ku takkan pernah lupa
saat kau bilang kau punya rasa yang sama
ku tak menyangka aku bahagia ingin ku peluk dunia
kau izinkan aku ’tuk dapat rasakan cinta
you know me so well
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
i know you so well
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
hatiku rasakan cinta, dia buatku salah tingkah
i know you so well, you know me so well
you heart me girl, i heart you back
i miss you, i love you, ah ah ah
i need you, i love you, i heart you baby
i need you, i love you, i heart you baby
baby, you know me so well (you know me so well)
girl i need you (girl i need you)
girl i love you (girl i love you)
girl i heart you
i know you so well (i know you so well)
girl i need you (oh i need you)
girl i love you (oh i love you)
girl i heart you
tak ada yang bisa memisahkan cinta
waktu pun takkan tega
kau dan aku bersama selamanya
Diposting oleh
asty dwi padmayan
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Di masa masa remaja adalah masa di mana seseorang mencari jati dirinya
mungkin banyak tantangan yang di hadapi , tapi begitulah remaja
terkadang juga mereka membangkang atau "ngeyel" tapi itulah yang mereka alami untuk mencari jati diri mereka
mungkin banyak tantangan yang di hadapi , tapi begitulah remaja
terkadang juga mereka membangkang atau "ngeyel" tapi itulah yang mereka alami untuk mencari jati diri mereka
Diposting oleh
asty dwi padmayan
on Senin, 07 Maret 2011
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Makasih teman teman ak cinta kamu semua
pas ak padu kamu ada
pas ak seneng kamu ada
pas ak padu kamu ada
pas ak seneng kamu ada
GOD is everything
Diposting oleh
asty dwi padmayan
on Senin, 21 Februari 2011
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HE is everything